Agiles Arbeiten mit Scrum, Kanban usw. bildet seit Jahren meinen beruflichen Schwerpunkt. In diesem kurzen Blogpost können Sie mehr darüber erfahren.

Die übrigen Inhalte dienen als Museum (leider ohne die frühere schicke Optik).

Symfony 2.5: Validate E-Mail against RFC rules

When I found out on Github that Symfony 2.5 improved email validation in some way I immediately wondered how this would affect the user:

Symfony 2.5 offers the new feature of strict email validation. Instead of the default behaviour (checking against a simple regex) this one uses an external (composer installable) library to perform a more strict check against all criteria defined in the original E-Mail RFC.

I like the idea of simple out-of-the-box fully RFC-compliant validation. However, I like the checkMX option even better.

Therefore my personal no. 1 new feature in Symfony 2.5 is still the new option to dump the full current configuration.

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